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Why You Need Protein When You Diet

A few weeks ago, I was talking with a friend of mine, and he mentioned that his girlfriend was on a very-strict diet of about 500 calories a day. I

Not Taking Offense

Back in the 1970s, I read a book by the author Ken Keyes, Jr. titled “Handbook to Higher Consciousness”.  One of the things I remember that he wrote in this

Water in Your Gas Tank

You wouldn’t put water into your car’s gas tank and expect it to run well, so why would you put crappy food into your body and expect to have good

Would You Like to Be 46% Less Likely to Die?

And would you do what it takes to get that outcome? In a recent study, researchers analyzed data on 30,162 people aged 65 and older, with an average age of

Help Your Body Heal Naturally

When men and women reach middle age, they sometimes begin to experience health problems, from joint or muscle issues, to digestion, heart problems, etc. Or their health problems worsen, as

Is Exercise the Best Way to Lose Weight? Have You Been Fooled?​

The answer, in a word, is “No, exercise is not the best way to lose weight”. You can burn calories by exercising, and it can help to lose some weight. 

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7 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac mollis dui, eget laoreet ligula. Pellentesque congue dictum velit sed rhoncus. Cras vitae ipsum lobortis, viverra nulla at, facilisis sem.

Physical Fitness

In one 15-year study “The people who did strength training at least twice a week were 46% less likely to have died for any reason than were those who strength-trained

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